Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009


We have a crawler and she is getting faster everyday.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween 2009

This was our first Halloween we got to hand out candy in our house. We had 19 trick or treaters and plenty of leftover candy. Sophie was not feeling to well that weekend. She had a little fever and had some teeth coming in on top so she did not help hand out candy. She got to wear her costume to daycare that Friday and then we put it on her for a little bit on Saturday.
Sophie the Penguin

In the candy bowl

Got one!


Sophie loves to play in her Jumparoo, she gets pretty crazy in there.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sophie Laugh

Here is Sophie's new thing to laugh at. Sam hits himself with the ball and she thinks it is hilarious. Not the best lighting but make sure the sound is turned up!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sophie Rocking

Random Pics

New winter hat.
In her Sioux shirt

Playing with her new toy from her grandparents.

Holding on to her carseat

She likes to grab her feet now on the changing table.

She likes to play and chew on her pacifer any which way.
Sitting up

Harley outfit from Cousin Timmy

Crazy sleeper

Happy baby in Harley outfit

Green Beans

Sophie has decided that she doesn't care for green beans but will eat them if mixed with cauliflower.

Friday, September 18, 2009

State Fair

What we ate at the fair: Strawberry rhubarb shake from the Dairy Building (Sam and Deb)
Cheese curds (Sam, Deb, Brenda)
Corn dogs (Sam and Deb)
Deep Fried Norwegian Banana Split (Deb)
Funnel cake fries (Sam and Deb)
Deep fried green beans (Sam and Deb)
Fried Vegetables (Deb)
some meat, potato, carrot, cabbage mixture (Sam)
Mini doughnuts (Sam and Deb)
Coke (Sam & Deb)
....that is what I can remember
Deep fried green beens and fried vege's

Sam and some food

Sophie and her sunglasses

Deep fried Norwegian banana split

the banana split and hotdish on a stick

Funnel cake fries with chocolate dipping sauce

Sam and Sophie

Our corn dogs

At Devils Lake

Sitting with Grandpa Duray

Sitting in the high chair all of us kids used

In her Pooh outfit from Liz at work.

With cousin Timmy

With Great Grandpa Solem

Drinking coffee with Auntie Brenda

Sitting on her own for a few seconds.

More Sophie Playing

Sophie Playing & Making Noises

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sophie Scooting

Sophie can now push herself backwards and scoot around. It is really easy on the hard wood floors.

Sophie Laughing

Here we are playing with Sophie and a dish towel. She loves playing this and can now pull the dish towel up and down herself.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"I want to hold everything"

So now Sophie wants to hold everything. Sam was drinking a beer one night and she kept grabbing for it and trying to put it in her mouth. Other favorites are the remotes for the the tv and cell phones. She sees us with them and thinks she needs them but then proceeds to put them in her mouth.

Sophie Five Month Pics

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sophie and the Keyboard

Here is Sophie having fun playing with the computer keyboard. She thought it was pretty fun to play with.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009


Twins Game

We took Sophie to her first Twins game at the dome. She fell asleep on the way there and slept for a little bit. She then had a bottle and watched the game. She did not like the loud cheering in the Dome and cried a couple times when it got really loud. It didn't happen very often since the Twins lost that game.

Sophie's first Twins game at the Dome.

4 Month Photos

Playing with the monkey gym

Hanging out with Parker

Naked baby and Grandma Duray

Ouch! Shot.