Sunday, June 21, 2009

Three Month Photos


We drove to Chicago on June 11th to go to a Twins/Cubs game on that Friday. We made it to the hotel at about 1:oo am. Sophie did good in the car, we only stopped once to feed her and once for gas. On Friday we took the subway to Wrigley Field. It was a nice day out, about 72 degrees and we thought it would be really warm out since it was sunny. Well it turned out that our seats were under the upperdeck so it was pretty cool and windy where we were sitting. We had left Sophie's blanket in the stroller so she got to use my sweatshirt instead. It was a good game and the Twins won. We were so exhausted that evening that we just found some dinner and went to bed early. Oh ya and Sam and I were also sick with colds so that didn't help matters.

On Saturday morning we got up and went to the top of the Sears Tower. It was rainy out so we couldn't see very far but it was still cool. Then we went and ate deep dish was yummy and VERY cheesey. In the afternoon we went to the art museum and walked around the park. Then in the evening we went to Navy Pier and had dinner and walked around. We got up early Sunday morning and headed home.
Sam and Sophie at the hotel.

Wrigley Field

Us at Wrigley Field during the game.

After the game

Top of the Sears Tower

Eating deep dish pizza.

Sculpture in the park

Our reflection in the sculpture