Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"I want to hold everything"

So now Sophie wants to hold everything. Sam was drinking a beer one night and she kept grabbing for it and trying to put it in her mouth. Other favorites are the remotes for the the tv and cell phones. She sees us with them and thinks she needs them but then proceeds to put them in her mouth.

Sophie Five Month Pics

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sophie and the Keyboard

Here is Sophie having fun playing with the computer keyboard. She thought it was pretty fun to play with.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009


Twins Game

We took Sophie to her first Twins game at the dome. She fell asleep on the way there and slept for a little bit. She then had a bottle and watched the game. She did not like the loud cheering in the Dome and cried a couple times when it got really loud. It didn't happen very often since the Twins lost that game.

Sophie's first Twins game at the Dome.

4 Month Photos

Playing with the monkey gym

Hanging out with Parker

Naked baby and Grandma Duray

Ouch! Shot.

4 Month Check-up

Sophie had her 4 month check-up on July 23rd. She weighs 13 lbs 1 oz (50 percentile). Height is 24 1/2 inches (50 percentile). Head is 15 3/4 inches (25 percentile). She had two shots and cried some but did pretty good.