Friday, May 29, 2009

2 Month Check-up

Sophie had her two month check-up on the 22nd of May. She is weighing in at 10 lbs 13 oz (50 percentile), length is 23 inches (75 percentile) and her head is 14 1/2. She had 3 shots and one oral immunization. She did not like the taste of the one by mouth. She cried but did swallow it. She also cried getting her shots but took a nap afterwards and felt good that night. She did have to take a plane ride after that but she did great. Sophie was also not happy with Mommy when I pulled her band-aids off the next day but she got over it.

San Diego

Our trip to San Diego was good. Sophie did great on the plane and slept most of the time. Sophie went on her first plane ride, first boat ride and first baseball game. She also went to the San Diego Zoo but slept thru it. She was a good baby but I think was happy to get home too.
Chillin with my sunglasses

Exhausted after all that travel

Sleeping on her first plane ride

California baby

Daddy and Sohie with palm trees

Sophie at her first baseball game-Padres vs Cubs.
It was cold out but I think she stayed nice and warm cuddling with me.

On our tour-first time Sophie was in a boat.

On the air craft carrie with Abby and Adam.

On the air craft carrier with Adam

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sophie 2 Months

Here are some 2 month photos a day early.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

In her cute strawberry outfit.

So the other Saturday morning I get out of the shower and go to the bedroom to find Sam and Sophie in our bed. Sam has propped Sophie up on my pillow and covered her with our blankets. She looked just so darn cute and content but did keep slipping down so had to be pulled up again. I will say that Sam was awake and watching her so no she was not left alone under the covers.


So here is our new grill. This is the first time we have been able to actually have a grill since we no longer live in an apartment. Sam is very excited to have it and it has been used quite a bit already.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I think we now have the carrier figured out and Sophie has been in it for at least an hour now without crying. We have one of the front carriers and other times I have put her in it she just cried but with two people trying to figure it out, I think we did. We also bought a sling one today but when I was trying it at home we realized that the package said that it was an L/XL but once out of the package it said S/M on the actual sling. Sophie wasn't really fitting in it and now we know why. I think I will exchange it for the larger size and see if she likes it or not. We are going on a trip soon to San Diego and I want to have options for holding her and bringing her places other than the stroller although we will be using that too. We'll see how it goes.

Mother's Day

So for Mother's Day, Daddy and Sophie brought Mommy breakfast which consisted of croissants from Lunds, coffee from Caribou, and an egg thing from Panera. Then Daddy cooked us lunch on the new grill. Daddy then did some yard work while us girls hung out. After that Daddy watched Sophie so I could do some scrapbooking and have time to myself. Daddy also cooked dinner that night. It was a good day but very busy for Sam.

Cute in her jeans
Mother's Day outfit from Old Navy

Mommy and Sophie

Us again

Sophie loves to suck on her fist or fingers. Sometimes she chokes herself from putting too much in her mouth.


We had Sophie's Baptism at Kongsvinger Lutheran Church near Oslo, MN on April 26th. We had a busy weekend. Friday night we stayed with Auntie Brenda in Fargo. Had to have a bath in the morning because of an especially messy diaper. Went to Grand Forks on Saturday for a baby shower put on by Brenda, Mom and my aunts. Then in the evening went to Oslo for a benefit for my cousin Tyler. Sunday morning we had the Baptism and then we had to drive back to Minneapolis that afternoon. A very busy but fun weekend.
Grandma Vaagen with Sophie and Samuel
Sophie with Jason and Karoline, her Godparents.

Sophie with Brenda, her other Godparent and I

Sam's family.
I don't have the pictures of my family, Brenda has them so I may post them later.


The Family
Bunny Butt
1st Easter
Bunny Ears
Easter Bunny from Grandma and Grandpa Duray

We decided not to go anywhere for Easter but we did have a cute outfit courtesy of Auntie Brenda for Easter.